Colombia Finca Juan Martin Filter


Colombia Finca Juan Martin Filter


In most cases, you really do reap what you sow - and what they’re sowing at Finca Juan Martin is worth reaping. A farm dedicated to ~oPtiMum~ coffee farming, with a focus on developing agricultural practices and processes to their absolute best. 

Sitting at 2050 masl, and in the highest area of Sotara, the farm is cultivating high quality rare varieties like this washed Gesha. The cup is exceptionally clean with lemon notes that remind us of lemon curd or lemonade, and some green apple crispness. 

We’re pretty happy to be able to share some more of these lots with you in our Gesha label, and this is one that you can drink everyday and it still feels special.

Regular price €14,90
Looking to buy larger quantities? Check out our wholesale section.
.   Available in 250gr and 1kg sizes